Bird watching - UK September/October 2008
Species List
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List of spotted birds and mammals September 27 - October 4, 2008
84 species
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Badger (road victim) | Das | Meles meles | |
Barnacle goose | Brandgans | Branta leucopsis | |
Bar-tailed godwit | Rose grutto | Limosa lapponica | |
Black bird | Merel | Turdus merula | |
Black grouse | Korhoen | Tetrao tetrix | |
Black headed gull | Kokmeeuw | Larus Ridibundus | |
Blue tit | Pimpelmees | Parus caeruleus | |
Brent goose | Rotgans | Branta bernicla | |
Bullfinch | Goudvink | Pyrrhula Pyrrhula | |
Buzzard | Buizerd | Buteo buteo | |
Canada goose | Canadese gans | Branta Canadensis | |
Carrion crow | Zware kraai | Corvus Corone | |
Chaffinch | Vink | Fringilla coelebs | |
Coal Tit | Zwarte mees | Parus Ater | |
Collared dove | Turkse tortel | Streptopelia decaocto | |
Common sandpiper | Oeverloper | Actitus hypoleucos | |
Common scoter | Zwarte zee-eend | Melanitta nigra | |
Common seal | Gewone zeehond | Phoca vitulina | |
Coot | Meerkoet | Fulica atra | |
Cormorant | Aalscholver | Phalacrocorax carbo | |
Curlew | Wulp | Numenius arquata | |
Dipper | Waterspreeuw | Sinclus sinclus | |
Dunlin | Bonte strandloper | Calidris alpina | |
Dunnock | Heggemus | Prunella modularis | |
Eider | Eider | Somateria mollissima | |
Fieldfare | Kramsvogel | Turdus Pilaris | |
Gadwall | Krakeend | Mareca strepera | |
Gannet | Jan van Gent | Sula bassana | |
Goldfinch | Putter | Carduelis carduelis | |
Great black backed gull | Grote mantelmeeuw | Larus marinus | |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Grote bonte specht | Dendrocopos Major | |
Great tit | Koolmees | Parus major | |
Grey heron | Blauwe reiger | Ardea cinerea | |
Grey Partridge | Patrijs | Perdix perdix | |
Grey plover | Zilverplevier | Pluvialis Squatarola | |
Grey seal | Grijze zeehond | Halichoerus grypus | |
Grey Squirrel | Grijze Eekhoorn | Sciurus carolinensis | |
Grey wagtail | Grote gele kwikstaart | Motacilla cinerea | |
Greylag goose | Grauwe gans | Anser anser | |
House sparrow | Huismus | Passer domesticus | |
Jackdaw | Kauw | Corvus monedula | |
Jay | Gaai | Garrulus Glandarius | |
Kestrel | Torenvalk | Falco tinnunculus | |
Knot | Kanoet | Calidris canutus | |
Lapwing | Kievit | Vanellus vanellus | |
Lesser black backed gull | Kleine mantelmeeuw | Larus graellsii | |
Little grebe | Dodaars | Tachybaptus ruficollis | |
Long tailed tit | Staartmees | Aegithalos Caudatus | |
Magpie | Ekster | Pica pica | |
Mallard | Wilde eend | Anas platirhynchos | |
Meadow pipit | Graspieper | Anthus pratensis | |
Merlin | Smelleken | Falco columbarius | |
Moorhen | Waterhoen | Gallinuna chloropus | |
Mute Swan | Knobbelzwaan | Cygnus olor | |
Oystercatcher | Scholekster | Haematopus ostralegus | |
Pale bellied brent goose | Witbuik Rotgans | Branta hrota | |
Pheasant | Fazant | Phasianus colchicus | |
Pied wagtail | Rouwkwikstaart | Motacilla alba | |
Purple sandpiper | Paarse strandloper | Calidris maritima |
Rabbit | Konijn | Oryctagolus cuniculus | |
Red breasted merganser | Middelste zaagbek | Mergus Serrator | |
Red grouse | Schotse sneeuwhoen | Lagopus lagopus | |
Red shank | Tureluur | Tringa totanus | |
Red throated diver | Roodkeelduiker | Gavia Stellata | |
Red-legged partridge | Rode patrijs | Alectoris rufa | |
Ringed plover | Bontbekplevier | Charadrius hiaticula | |
Robin | Roodborstje | Erithacus rubecula | |
Rock pipit | Oeverpieper | Anthus petrosus | |
Rook | Roek | Corvus Frugilegus | |
Sanderling | Drieteenstrandloper | Calidris alba |
Serin | Europese kanarie | Serinus serinus | |
Shag | Kuifaalscholver | Stictocarbo aristotelis | |
Shelduck | Bergeend | Tadorna tadorna | |
Starling | Spreeuw | Sturnus vulgaris | |
Stonechat | Roodborst tapuit | Saxicola torquata | |
Swift | Zwaluw | Apus apus | |
Teal | Taling | Anas Crecca | |
Tufted duck | Kuifeend | Aythya Fuligula | |
Turnstone | Steenloper | Arenaria interpres | |
Weasel | Wezel | Mustela nivalis | |
Wheatear | Tapuit | Oenanthe oenanthe | |
Wigeon | Smient | Anas penelope | |
Willow Tit | Matkop | Parus montanus | |
Wood pigeon | Houtduif | Columba palumbus | |
Yellowhammer | Geelgors | Emberiza Citrinella | |
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