Bird watching - Spain - July 2011
Species List and Gallery
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List of spotted birds July 31, 2011
35 species
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Audouin´s Gull | Audouin's Meeuw | Larus audouinii | |
Avocet | Kluut | Recurvirostra avosetta | |
Bee-eater | Bijeneter | Merops apiaster | |
Black Winged Stilt | Steltkluut | Himantopus himantopus | |
Blackbird | Merel | Turdus merula | |
Cattle Egret | Koereiger | Bubulcus ibis | |
Collared Dove | Turkse Tortel | Streptopelia decaocto | |
Collared Pratincole | Vorkstaartplevier | Glareola pratincola | |
Common Swallow | Zwaluw | Hirundo rustica | |
Coot | Meerkoet | Fulica atra | |
Crag Martin | Rotszwaluw | Ptyonoprogne rupestris | |
Dartford Warbler | Provencaalse Grasmus | Sylvia undata | |
Goldfinch | Putter | Carduelis carduelis | |
Great Tit | Koolmees | Parus major | |
Greater Flamingo | Flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber | |
Grey Wagtail | Gele Kwikstaart | Motacilla cinerea | |
Grey Heron | Blauwe Reiger | Ardea cinerea | |
Hoopoe | Hop | Upupa epops | |
House Martin | Huiszwaluw | Delichon urbicum | |
Linnet | Kneu | Carduelis cannabina | |
Little Egret | Kleine Zilverreiger | Egretta garzetta | |
Little Grebe | Dodaars | Tachybaptus ruficollis | |
Little Ringed Plover | Kleine Plevier | Charadrius dubius | |
Mallard | Wilde Eend | Anas platyrhynchos | |
Moorhen | Waterhoentje | Gallinula chloropus | |
Purple Swamphen | Purperkoet | Porphyrio porphyrio | |
Redshank | Tureluur | Tringa totanus | |
Sandwich Tern | Grote Stern | Sterna sandvicensis | |
Southern Grey Shrike | Zuidelijke Klapekster | Lanius excubitor | |
Spotless Starling | Spreeuw | Sturnus vulgaris | |
Turnstone | Steenloper | Arenaria interpres | |
Turtle Dove | Zomertortel | Streptopelia Turtur | |
White Headed Duck | Witkopeend | Oxyura leucocephala | |
White Wagtail | Witte Kwikstaart | Motacilla alba | |
Yellow Legged Gull | Geelpoot meeuw | Larus cachinnans | |
Spain Birding Index